Customer Update - The List Easter Publication
CalMac has enjoyed a proud relationship with respected entertainment and events publication The List for 2 years.
In preparation for Easter, which is usually our busiest time of the year, we worked with our friends at The List on a bumper edition promoting the beauty and allure of Scotland's wonderful islands and the events taking place across our network. The publication is a triumph of showcasing what our island communities have to offer and any other year we would be shouting about it from the rooftops.
However, with the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent move to essential travel only we have been working with our islands to actually help them prevent people other than residents and essential workers getting there. This has worked well, and our passenger numbers are down an incredible 97%, demonstrating that essential travel is only taking place.
Unfortunately, our Islands edition in The List was printed before this all happened and copies of it are being distributed, albeit with an editor's insert pointing out the travel restrictions currently in place.
We know and fully appreciate the sentiment in our island communities about not encouraging visitors at this time and have actively supported this stance. The digital version of The List has been amended but it was just too late for the printed publication.
We are sorry that the publication dates and the outbreak came at the wrong time.
However, we hope that those who pick up the printed edition will see this as something that they can look forward to doing in the future and take in our beautiful islands when it is safe to do so.
We are sure that all of us look forward to that day in the future when Scotland's islands can once again show the amazing hospitality they are famous for. In the meantime, we remind everybody that ferry travel is for essential travel only.