Alternative routes to South Uist
There are some alternative routes when travelling to/from South Uist via the Outer Hebrides which are supported by good connectivity throughout the islands.
Whether you’re looking to explore on an Island-Hopping holiday or find a different route home, we offer a variety of daily sailings to ensure that you can reach your ideal destination.
Multiple other routes to get to South Uist, include:
North Uist – via our Uig (Skye) to Lochmaddy (North Uist) route, and then onto South Uist.
Barra – via our Oban-Castlebay route, then Ardmhor (Barra) to Eriskay and then onto South Uist.
Lewis – via our Ullapool to Stornoway (Lewis) route, then via Leverburgh to Berneray and then onto South Uist.
Harris – via Uig (Skye) to Tarbert (Harris) then Leverburgh to Berneray and then onto South Uist.
If you need further assistance, please do contact our team at our Customer Engagement Centre, or any of the ports above – our team are always ready to provide information and any help where you need it. You can also read our guide on getting to South Uist or island-hopping guide