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Port Ellen temporary closure

Essential repair work at Port Ellen Ferry Terminal will require ferry operator CalMac to divert all Islay services to Port Askaig for a period of around three weeks.

The port's linkspan is being replaced, along with cylinders and pipework being upgraded by owner, Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL), requiring closure from April 18.

There will be no reduction in overall service, but an amended timetable will operate.

A bus transfer service will be provided from Port Ellen to Port Askaig for foot passengers.

"While this closure will, unfortunately, cause some inconvenience to the travelling public for a short period of time, this is essential upgrade work being carried out by the port owners CMAL." said CalMac's director of operations, Drew Collier.

"To help us limit disruption as much as possible we ask that foot passengers looking to travel to or from Port Ellen should book with our contact centre 24 hours before they travel during this period. This will allow us to plan road transfers effectively."

Passengers can book by calling 0800 066 5000.


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