Valid from 21 October 2024 - 27 March 2025
The winter timetable for this route is now open, advance purchase of tickets for Claonaig to Lochranza can be purchased online. We've published full details to guide you in our latest customer update.
Please note - The Claonaig to Lochranza service operates from 21 October to 26 October only.
From 27 October 2024 to 27 March 2025 this service operates between Tarbert to Lochranza. Passenger and vehicle reservations are required on this route. To make a booking, please contact the Kennacraig office on +44(0)1880 280281 and select option 2 (on a touch-tone phone).
Travelling with a bike - If you're travelling as a foot passenger and bringing your bike, please add your bike(s) to your transaction - this applies to foot passengers. This ticket will remain free of charge.
Concessions and blue badge holders - SPT Ferry Card, Companion SPT Ferry Card and Blue Badge concessions are now available online, meaning they'll be applied to your ticket. This is an alternative to visiting the port office / speaking with staff. Please continue to carry your concession card or equivalent when you travel.
Check-in is 10 minutes prior to departure for vehicles and passengers. Late check-in may lead to the vehicle being refused carriage.
If you are new to this route, please read our information page to help you prepare and plan ahead.