Frequent traveller
Frequent Traveller
If you're a frequent traveller on our Turn Up and Go routes, our 10-journey tickets are a convenient option. View a list of our Turn Up and Go routes, and click below for everything you need to know about this product.
How do 10-journey tickets work?
You can purchase 10 journey tickets online for all of our Turn Up and Go routes - they offer 10 single journeys, in either direction, on your chosen route, during the timetable season for which they were purchased.
Simply register for an online customer account and, when purchased, your 10-journey ticket will be sent direct to your inbox with a QR code, and will also be accessible through your account. Each time you travel, your QR code will be scanned and a single journey deducted. You'll be able to check how many journeys you have left through your account.
10-journey tickets are also available in paper format, issued by a port office or, one some routes, on board the vessel, and work the same way as 10-journey tickets purchased online, although you won't be able to check how many journeys you have left.
Please note, 10-journey tickets are not available for concessions, blue badge vehicles, trailers or caravans/motorhomes or for pets and equipment, for example bicycles or kayaks.
How long are 10-journey tickets valid for?
A 10-journey ticket is valid for the timetable season - winter or summer - for which the product was purchased. Our timetable pages advise the date periods for each winter/summer season.
Please bear in mind before you purchase - 10-journey tickets are valid for use only in the timetable season for which they are purchased - either winter or summer. They cannot be used outside the timetable season you have bought them for.
All 10 journeys must be used within the timetable season for which they have been purchased, and cannot be amended or carried over into the subsequent timetable season.
Unused tickets or unused journeys are non-refundable, so its important that you consider how you plan to use your ticket carefully before purchasing.
When can I buy a 10-journey ticket?
10-journey tickets for an upcoming timetable season will be available for sale close to the beginning of any forthcoming timetable season - winter or summer, and will remain available until the end of that season. Please remember that they cannot be used until the new timetable season begins, and must be used within the timetable season for which they are purchased. Our timetable pages advise the date periods for each winter/summer season.
10-journey tickets for the Winter 2024/2025 timetable season (21 October 2024 - 27 March 2025) - when purchasing online, select the W-24 option on our online booking system. These tickets be used from 21 October 2024 - 27 March 2025.
Are there any other options for frequent travellers?
Yes. If the 10-journey ticket isn't the right option for you, we also offer standard single and return tickets across all of our routes. Find the right ticket for your journey here.
Do I need to plan ahead before travelling?
Yes. When travelling on a Turn Up and Go route, remember that your ticket does not constitute a reserved space for a specific sailing. Therefore, we encourage you to plan ahead as your first choice of sailing may not always be available, especially at busy times. Always check the service status of your route before you travel.
How do I register for a customer account?
If you've not already done so, signing up for a customer account is beneficial, especially if you travel and purchase tickets regularly. Using your customer account, you can purchase tickets online and save details including your route and vehicle details, ready for your next journey with us. You'll need a customer account to purchase a 10-journey ticket.
Tickets withdrawn from sale:
We recently updated the ticketing options for multi-journey options, and the following tickets were withdrawn from sale:
5 journey flexi ticket
10 journey flexi ticket
One month season ticket
12 month season ticket
6 month season ticket
3 month season ticket
'Bucket-shop' 10 journey ticket (Dunoon-Gourock)
5 day return ticket
50 journey ticket
Sail and rail tickets