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Customer Credit Account: Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Where CalMac Ferries Limited ("CFL") agrees to provide a credit account facility to a given customer, the resulting credit account shall be provided on the terms and subject to the conditions set out below. Following any breach of these terms and conditions, CFL shall be entitled, at its sole discretion, to withdraw a customer's credit facility at any time on written notice, whereupon all monies outstanding at the relevant time shall be immediately payable to CFL.

Account Application

  1. Applications for credit accounts will only be considered from UK registered companies. In accordance with relevant Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations, CFL is unable to provide credit facilities to individuals or sole traders.

  2. Credit accounts will only be granted to companies which have an annual CFL sales value of at least £5,000 on ferry travel and £1,000 on small freight services (both figures being ex VAT). 

  3. CFL will only award credit facilities to companies that, in its opinion, hold an acceptable credit score.    

  4. Credit will only be granted on receipt and approval of a fully completed Credit Account Application Form, a copy of which is available via this link - Credit Account Application Form

  5. By holding a credit account, Customers are required to adhere at all times to CFL's Conditions of Carriage, CV & LGV (block booking) and Small Freight Terms and Conditions, all of which are published on the CFL website (

  6. Please note that by completing and submitting a credit account application, each customer is confirming its acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in this document. 

  7. Once an application is approved, the credit account applicable to a given customer will become active following receipt of a Direct Debit mandate validly signed on behalf of the customer concerned. 

  8. CFL will process credit account applications in line with our Privacy Notice which is available at

  9. Without prejudice to any other legal right, CFL reserves the right to close any credit account where the customer's annual CFL sales or credit rating, in either case, falls below what CFL deems to be an acceptable level. 

Payment Terms

  1. CFL standard payment terms are 30 days from the date of any CFL invoice. 

  2. Customers holding standard approved credit account facilities are required to settle all invoices due for payment by direct debit.  Direct debit payments will be deducted from the relevant customer's bank account on the first working day after expiry of the 30 day payment period applicable to any given CFL invoice. 

  3.  A customer's failure to comply with the above payment terms will result in CFL's withdrawal of credit account facilities from that customer. 

  4. Where invoices are not settled on time, CFL reserves the right to charge interest in relation to the unpaid sum, calculated at a rate of 2% above the Bank of England base rate for each 30 day period during which the principal sum remains outstanding, such interest being immediately due and payable in addition to any previously outstanding amount.

  5. Where a debt remains unpaid for period in excess of 60 days from the date of invoice, CFL shall be entitled to place the outstanding debt in the hands of a debt collection agency, whereupon the customer shall be liable for all costs incurred in enforcing and collecting the debt concerned.   

Charges & Invoicing

  1. CFL issues HMRC compliant invoices, which as a minimum include the following information:

    a. Invoice number and date.
    b. CFL name, address and VAT registration number (if applicable)
    c. Customer name and address
    d. Booking number, date, route and product details associated with the service delivered

  2. CFL will endeavour to provide additional customer information captured pre-departure, e.g. purchase order, vehicle/trailer registration and driver name.  However, due to various operational and logistical constraints CFL cannot guarantee that this information will be captured on each individual booking.  

  3. CFL's ticketing system is configured so as to hold a record of all ferry travel or freight service bookings charged against each customer credit account.  CFL will not accept non-payment of bookings, on the grounds of missing additional customer information, and reserves the right to invoice and be paid for all ferry services that have been provided. 

  4. Where a customer account is charged with ferry travel or freight services which in either case were not provided by CFL, an invoice query must be raised within 30 days of the relevant date of invoice using CFL's online Credit Customer Invoice Query form, which is available for download via CFL's website (


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