Advance Standby
Our stakeholder consultation was completed in October 2022 on our proposition to change from our current 'Waitlist' facility to the new 'Advance Standby' process. Feedback was collated and mapped into a document which aligns with the Scottish Government's "Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA)" framework for ease of use.
The ICIA is a collaborative process. It has supported us in ensuring our communities have been listened to and their needs truly considered.
The attached document goes into the feedback in greater detail, however there are a few key messages we wish to highlight:
We listened to our communities and 'Advance Standby' will replace the old 'Waitlist' facility.
We will continue to review over a 6- and 12-month period and replicate the previously used ICIA process
Alongside the proposed criteria, we have added the following criteria to align with community need:
Hospitality - customers with confirmed accommodation bookings on the island (proof must be given)
Offshore workers returning home.
Council response vehicle bookings - i.e., replacement/additional gritting vehicles (only in times of inclement weather) and landslip repairs, burials, social care requirements (emergency/urgent appointments) and education requirements (supply teachers travelling to and from school).
Island Community Impact Assessment (ICIA) [671KB]
For more details, check out our customer update.