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Unacceptable Behaviour

At Caledonian MacBrayne, we believe our customers have a right to be heard, understood, and respected. Likewise, our employees deserve to be treated with consideration, dignity, and respect. 

We understand that people may act out of character in times of trouble or distress and can become angry when their concerns are not handled as they wish. We always strive to help as much as possible when things don't go as planned. 

However, when a customer's actions escalate to aggression towards our staff, we consider that unacceptable.  In these cases, we assess whether the behaviour impacts the safety and well-being of our employees and other customers and take appropriate steps. 

Our policy is clear: we will support any employee subjected to unacceptable behaviour and will take appropriate action to the fullest extent. 

Click on the links below for further information:


Consumption of alcohol and drugs

In some instances, unacceptable behaviour is connected with the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs. 

Alcoholic beverages are offered for sale on board some vessels operated by Caledonian MacBrayne. However, only alcohol purchased on-board is permitted to be consumed on our vessels.  

At our discretion, we may withdraw the sale of alcohol on a particular service, and/or refuse to sell alcohol to any passenger. 

Alcohol must not be consumed in port offices and terminal buildings. 

Passengers who are considered to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and are deemed to pose a risk of disturbance or harm to themselves, our employees, and/or other passengers, may be refused carriage. 


Examples of Unacceptable Behaviour

Our Conditions of Carriage outline the conditions all customers must agree to when travelling with us, including in regard to behaviour. 

In this context, 'Unacceptable Behaviour' means when any person is exhibiting behaviour - and that can be verbal, physical, or written - either on board or ashore - which CalMac Ferries Limited (as the 'Company'), in its sole discretion considers, impacts or risks impacting: 

  • the ability of a Company employee to carry out their work 

  • the Company or third-party property 

  • the general comfort and safety of other person(s), including Company employees and other passengers 

We've set out some examples of what this may be, so these examples include, but are not limited to: 

Language and communication 

  • Use of unacceptable or profane language towards another person(s) 

  • Communicating through an aggressive voice tone or rude gesture 

  • Provoking an argument or making unreasonable demands (e.g. refusing to give up on a denied request) 

  • Not following employee instructions or challenging their authority 

  • Behaviour which may cause staff to feel afraid, threatened or abused, including threats or physical violence of bodily harm, personal verbal use, derogatory remarks, rudeness, and unsubstantiated allegations  

Individual actions 

  • Driving in a dangerous manner around port sites and whilst driving on/off vessels 

  • Smoking in non-designated areas 

  • Displaying, using, or threatening use of a weapon 

  • Physically abusive behaviour, or openly or aggressively hostile action, towards another person(s) 

  • Abusive or discriminatory behaviour directed towards other person(s) on the grounds of their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability 

  • Behaving in a sexually inappropriate manner towards another person(s) 

Alcohol and drugs 

  • Consuming alcohol in port offices or terminal buildings 

  • Consuming alcohol on board vessels, unless when purchased from retail outlets on board  

  • Being under-the-influence of drugs or alcohol in port offices or terminal buildings and, as a result, are deemed to pose a risk of disturbance or harm to themselves, other person(s) or property 

Safety and security  

  • Knowingly entering an area marked for crew only or where entry is otherwise restricted 

  • Tampering with any emergency or safety equipment on board a vessel 

  • Theft of property from the Company or another person(s) 

  • Deliberately damaging Company or third-party property 

As stated above, these are examples of unacceptable behaviour, but our interpretation of unacceptable behaviour is not limited to these alone.


How we may deal with examples of Unacceptable Behaviour

Where a passenger has exhibited what we deem to be unacceptable behaviour, we reserve the right to take appropriate action in accordance with our procedures. 

For example, we may decide to: 

  • refuse travel 

  • remove you from our premises, with the assistance of the police if necessary 

  • issue a verbal or written warning 

  • ban you from travelling with us temporarily or permanently, depending on the nature of the behaviour 

As stated in our Privacy Notice, we reserve the right to use personal data to investigate any allegations of complaints or unacceptable behaviour before, during or after using our services or crossings, and impose any relevant sanctions or travel bans as is required to protect our vessels, other passengers, and staff. 

If you exhibit or engage in Unacceptable Behaviour, you may be required to provide your name and address to one of our employees, so that we can impose any relevant sanctions or travel bans. 

Caledonian MacBrayne will assist with any police investigation and subsequent prosecution. 


Updated August 2024


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